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Politics / 7 months ago
House of Cards: NY Republicans Mull Over Evicting Troubled Santos from Congressional Mansion
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New York Republicans contemplate eviction of troubled Congressman Santos, sparking a House of Cards-like drama at the Congressional Mansion.
In a surprising twist of events, the New York Republican party, demonstrating unprecedented unity, is busy booting Congressman George Santos out of what's been affectionately dubbed as the "Congressional Mansion." Santos, hitherto, known for his legendary lavish parties, sought-after Christmas gift list, and an uncanny ability to generate controversial lawsuits like a magician pulls rabbits out of a hat, is now precariously teetering on the edge of eviction. The lone voice of ominous prophecy, Rep. Anthony D'Esposito (R-N.Y.) opined on NewsNation’s "The Hill" that the motion to evict Santos could be successful. He further offered an enigmatic statement that some are still trying to decipher, "I think there is an opportunity for it to pass because I think we have an opportunity to set a new precedent." Many speculate that the new precedent D'Esposito speaks of involves substituting Congressional votes with rounds of Pin the Tail on the Donkey – a novel idea that may initiate a shift from boring legislation debates to lively action-packed sessions. The notion of setting a new precedent, whilst chucking Santos out of the mansion, seems to have galvanized the developers of “House of Cards: The Congressional Six Pack Challenge". It's rumored they are already working on a new expansion pack featuring a digital D'Esposito cleaning out Santos’ items from the Congressional Mansion, including a collection of spittoons, a surprisingly vast collection of rubber ducks, and a horribly stuffed grizzly bear fondly named “Bertie.” Insiders are also whispering about Santos' last-ditch effort to prevent the eviction, which mostly involves distributing gift vouchers and lifetime supplies of chocolate truffles around the Capitol Hill. Whether this sweet strategy can keep him ensconced in his cushy mansion or will melt under pressure, only time will tell. D’Esposito, meanwhile, bolstered by his sudden popularity and the sure-to-be-blockbuster game character portrayal, continues to rally his troops to forge ahead. In the latest Tweet, he prophesied: "This House of Cards is about to come crashing down. Make sure to bring your popcorn!" As New York Republicans mull over Santos’ faith, the rest of the nation waits impatiently, not just to witness the fate of Santos but also to see the unfolding drama at the Congressional Mansion, undoubtedly, the spiciest slice of political reality TV.
posted 7 months ago

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Original title: Rep. D'Esposito suggests there may be enough votes to expel Santos

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