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World / 8 months ago
Local Law Enforcement Takes Power Trip, Cites Need for 'Super Cops'
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Local law enforcement takes a bizarre turn, introducing 'Super Cops' complete with comic-book inspired uniforms and futuristic gear. While opinions are divided, citizens can't help but be intrigued by the possibility of their own caped crusaders.
In a detailed press release that could be mistaken for a comic book script, local law enforcement today announced their latest initiative, dubbing their officers as 'Super Cops', evidently having decided that badges, guns, and tasers just don't make them seem authoritative enough. It’s the age of Marvel and DC Comics and it seems everyday heroes also want to keep up with times. According to the Sheriff's office, these new 'Super Cops' are the fusion of a standard officer's uniform and some Hollywood-movie-like, futuristic gear. Word's out - the Super Cop costume options are ripped straight from the pages of 1960's comic books. Rumor has it that the higher-ups are even considering incorporating capes into the uniforms, along with shiny boots that are not just for show, but have state-of-the-art jet thrusters. These have inspired heated debates about whether these jet boots will help 'Super Cops' chase down criminals faster, or cause more traffic violations that they themselves will have to deal with. "We feel the need for Super Cops in our area," declared the increasingly eccentric Sheriff Cocksworth, twirling a suspiciously Joker-like moustache. "They will act not just as regular police officers enforcing law and order, but also as beacons of hope and stalwart defenders of justice." There's even chatter about rebranding their police cars to 'Super Patrol Vehicles', equipped with artificial intelligence and advanced gadgetry which are yet to be approved by the inventor, Tony Stark. Their projected budget is speculated to reach into the billions, if approved, and like any big city venture, it's sure to be completely free of corruption or kickbacks. Furthermore, following the mandatory yet undisclosed 'Super Cop Training Program', officers will reportedly begin undertaking gruelling superhero name-choosing sessions. Undoubtedly, citizens are eagerly waiting to see Officer Jones turning into 'Sergeant Steel' or Officer Smith transforming into the 'Iron Constable'. Responses to this news have been mixed. Some more liberal voices have called for the money to be spent on addressing social issues, rather than creating superhero alter-egos. Cynics, however, are quick to point out that this might just be an elaborate ploy to distract the townsfolk from problems they’re already failing to address. On the other hand, local comic book stores see golden goose in this, having seen a skyrocketing demand for vintage superhero comics. While critics continue to debate whether crime would be better defeated with social development or with fancily dressed crime deterrents, the city on the whole breathlessly awaits its first glimpse at the caped crusaders we'd all apparently been missing. After all, who doesn't want to be saved by their very own Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne?
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Police force Mobilize or increase police power something
exmplary article: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/assam-rahul-stopped-from-visiting-temple-asks-if-pm-modi-will-decide-who-will-visit-temple/articleshow/107042296.cms

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